Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Orange Jessamine (English) for Treat Urinary Tract Infections

    The picture above is a picture of The Myrtle plants, I is not know the name of your country.

    The Myrtle (Murraya paniculata) is known by the rich aroma and sharp, especially at night, and can be very easily found in traditional Minangkabau community settlements (Aceh, Indonesia), which often makes the root of this plant as a raw material for making dagger. Not only that, The Myrtle plant wood was often used as the manufacture of sticks and abacus.

    Besides as an ornamental plant or a plant fence, The Myrtle can be found in the wild in the forest edge and scrub with a height of up to 400 m above sea level. Uniquely, The Myrtle plant has many morphological variations in large size. Generally, The Myrtle crop planted in the yard, a kind of small-sized with a height of 3-8 meters, with a small and dense foliage. The Myrtle plant stems hard and grooved.

    While the flowers have a physical resemblance with Jasmine flowers. Therefore, in the UK, The Myrtle known as orangejessamine. The Myrtle part of the plant that is often used as a medicine, among others parts of roots, bark and leaves.

Ways to Make Herb Myrtle Leaf

    In the field of health, the people of Indonesia and the Philippines have traditionally used The Myrtle for diarrhea and dysentery traditionally.

    Empirically, The Myrtle plants proven to solve rheumatism, respiratory tract and urinary inflammation, obesity, peptic ulcers, and urinary tract infections.

    Urinary tract infection, usually caused by bacteria that infect the body's immunity when we are weak. If you're one of those who are suffering from this disease, there is no harm in trying natural herbs around us like leaves Myrtle. By utilizing The Myrtle leaves and mixes it yourself, you is not need to drain a lot of money for go to the doctor or buy instant herbal remedies are not necessarily natural. The Myrtle plant leaves quite easily processed. You only need painstaking and routinely consume. Here's how to process The Myrtle plants to treat urinary tract infections.

1. Take a fresh The Myrtle leaves as many as 35 grams, then wash.
2. Boil The Myrtle leaf in 3 cups of water until the water is reduced to half (1 1/2 cup).
3. Turn off the fire and let stand The Myrtle leaf boiled water to cool.
4. Strain the cooking water leaves Myrtle.
5. Drink boiled water three times a day, with a rate of half a glass every time a drink.
6. Do it regularly until urinary tract infection gradually recovered.

    The duration of efficacy of herbal work will differ from one person to another because of different body conditions. Therefore, the treatment of any disease with herbal plants does require patience and consistency. However, the treatment of urinary tract infections with The Myrtle plants will not cause any side effects.

Hopefully this article useful for you.

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