Sunday, August 30, 2015

Natural Remedies For Gout Disease Without Chemicals

    who else does not know with this disease. The disease is more often suffered by people who have started to age. However, the treatment of gout sometimes require no small cost if it went to the doctor medically. There are several ways you can do with cheap to treat this disease.

Causes and Symptoms of Gout
    Causes of Gout: Consuming excessive purine substances is the cause that can stimulate the emergence of this disease. Excess purines in the body are converted into gout. So that the performance of the kidney may be distracted and have trouble removing these substances if it is too excessive. As a result gout crystals accumulate in the joints which also would result in joint pain, inflammation until the swelling.

    Gout symptoms commonly experienced by sufferers include joint feel the pain, inflammation and sometimes swollen reddish. Pain or ache will attack the patient usually at night or early morning waking. Joints are attacked can wrists, joints of fingers, toes, elbows, and knees. If you start to feel the way try to consult your doctor. But you could also try simple tips that can ease it cheaper even free.


Here are tips and how to treat gout naturally and quickly while cheap, among other things:

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple vinegar, which is used to treat headaches and stomach acid, may also help treat gout and rheumatism. Acidity in apple cider vinegar will help reduce the pain caused by gout. You can also combine it with honey to enhance the body's anti-inflammatory response. Mix one teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Drinking two to three times a day.
  2. Ginger. Anti-inflammatory properties that exist in ginger is helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation caused by gout. There are many ways to use ginger in the treatment of gout. Make a ginger drink, drink at least once a day. You can also add ginger to your dishes. Another alternative is, Soften ginger and mix a little water and apply on the affected area of uric acid. Let stand for about half an hour. Do this once a day.
  3. Water. Multiply drinking water. Water is recommended to drink as much as 8 to 10 glasses a day. This can dilute the urine so excessive purines will be able to come out with urine.
  4. Reducing foods that contain purine substances. Foods high in purines such as organ meats, seafood, some meat such as beef jerky and shredded meat or canned food. Avoid and reduce these foods to prevent excessive purine accumulate in the body.
  5. The food is alkaline. Multiply wet foods that are very important. Alkaline foods are intended as vegetables, grains, fruits will also help you prevent excessive formation of purines.
  6. Cherry fruit. Cherries can remove toxins from the body and cleanse the kidneys. Cherries, either sweet or sour, can also be very helpful in treating gout because of their antioxidant properties. Cherries contain anthocyanins, which can reduce inflammation and minimize the recurrence of gout. cherries either eaten or mixed and then diluted with water to be used as juice. Cherry fruit extract is also available at some health food stores.

Various Natural Remedies For Stomach Pain

    Stomach pains can be caused by several things. Rising stomach acid can cause upper stomach ache and chest burning. Flatulence is a condition where the air (gas) too many gathered in the stomach. Constipation or bowel obstruction also cause stomach ache. Consumption of milk for most patients with ulcer disease can cause stomach pain.

    However, the most common, stomach pain is caused by bacteria coming through food. Examples of bacteria that cause diarrhea, E. Colli. Diarrhoea itself is a condition where a person experiences frequent bowel movements with liquid. Diarrhea is a type of stomach ailment which is quite dangerous because if not handled properly, patients may be dehydrated.

    The good news, in this country a lot of medicinal plants that can be used to treat diarrhea. Well, here is the information about ways treat diarrhea using natural ingredients such as herbs that are widely available around us. Even the most commonly used herbs.

Guava Stomach Pain Medicine

Almost all parts of the plant guava can be used as a cure for diarrhea. Way, take 5 pieces of guava leaves and cut the roots of guava then washed clean. Boil all ingredients with 1.5 liters of water. After a cold, filtered water and taken twice a day, morning and evening. This a powerful herb to treat diarrhea.

Tamarind cures stomach pain

Besides medicine can be used for mouth sores and treat lumbago, tamarind is also commonly used as an upset stomach. Way, take 3 tamarind pods are ripe, whiting and eucalyptus oil to taste. All the ingredients until finely ground, then rub on the stomach pain. This should be accompanied with orally medicine.

Noni fruit cope with abdominal pain

If we use the hair to blacken the noni fruit, to cope with stomach pain we use the leaves. Way, take 2-3 noni leaf and then washed. Mash until smooth along with a little salt, then brewed with a glass of hot water. After a cold, filtered water then drink.

Treating stomach pain during menstruation
For women who experience stomach pain during menstruation, just use this herb to cure it. Materials to be provided is 1 rhizome of ginger, tamarind eye 3 pieces, 1 slice of coconut sugar, enough salt. First, grated curcuma, then boiled with other ingredients with 3-4 glasses of water to boiling and the water to 2 cups. This potion taken 2 times a day each 1 cup, every morning and evening.

Medicinal Plants Used For Treatment of Hypertension

    If we talk about the disease is high blood pressure, of course closely related to health problems of blood vessels, because hypertension is caused by problems in the vascular system such as: the hardening and blockage of the arteries that will cause constriction of blood vessels, this will have an impact on the heart has to work extra hard so that the blood being pumped through the blood vessels.

    For patients with hypertension who require drug treatment to lower blood pressure to return to normal or controlled. antihypertensive medicinal chemistry constant is also not good for health because there may be side effects on drug use in the long term. Therefore, it is highly advised to try drugs non-chemical alternatives that are found of nature.

    Some natural remedies that abortion can reduce or even cure diseases Hypertension, if consumed properly and regularly, including:

1. Seaweed (Laminaria japonica)

Benefits: normalize blood pressure, high cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis.

Seaweed is the most popular wakame, which is often used in miso soup. There is also kombu and nori, which is easily found in the minimarket. You can process them into delicious foods in the daily diet to keep the heart healthy and lowering and normalize blood pressure.

2. Cucumber

    Benefits: high levels of mineral potassium which is useful for reducing high blood pressure, as well as useful also to reduce kidney stones. ways can use in direct consumption (as fresh vegetables), or for the juice, may also be added with other fruits, as long as the composition of the cucumber more than other fruits.

3. Cantaloupe

    Benefits: Same with the cucumber is rich in potassium content, both to reduce high blood pressure and is also good for kidney problems / bladder
Some fruits / plants that have the same content with cucumber / melon: peaches, strawberries, raspberries, turnip leaves and wheat grass.

4. Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.)

Benefits: lowering high cholesterol, high blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels

5. Curcuma Black (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.)

Benefits: circulation and liquefy blood clots, neutralize toxins
in the body.

6. Garlic

Benefits: lowering high blood pressure and high cholesterol, destroying blood penggumplan

How to use :
Take 3 cloves fresh garlic, then peel and wash them clean, mash until smooth and then squeezed with water added to taste, then drink the water. enough is done 3 times 1 day

7. Onions

Benefits: Has the same benefits of garlic. easy way, take a clove of onion, cleaned and peeled, then sliced and eaten with rice. This habit of routinely done 2 times a day.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Orange Jessamine (English) for Treat Urinary Tract Infections

    The picture above is a picture of The Myrtle plants, I is not know the name of your country.

    The Myrtle (Murraya paniculata) is known by the rich aroma and sharp, especially at night, and can be very easily found in traditional Minangkabau community settlements (Aceh, Indonesia), which often makes the root of this plant as a raw material for making dagger. Not only that, The Myrtle plant wood was often used as the manufacture of sticks and abacus.

    Besides as an ornamental plant or a plant fence, The Myrtle can be found in the wild in the forest edge and scrub with a height of up to 400 m above sea level. Uniquely, The Myrtle plant has many morphological variations in large size. Generally, The Myrtle crop planted in the yard, a kind of small-sized with a height of 3-8 meters, with a small and dense foliage. The Myrtle plant stems hard and grooved.

    While the flowers have a physical resemblance with Jasmine flowers. Therefore, in the UK, The Myrtle known as orangejessamine. The Myrtle part of the plant that is often used as a medicine, among others parts of roots, bark and leaves.

Ways to Make Herb Myrtle Leaf

    In the field of health, the people of Indonesia and the Philippines have traditionally used The Myrtle for diarrhea and dysentery traditionally.

    Empirically, The Myrtle plants proven to solve rheumatism, respiratory tract and urinary inflammation, obesity, peptic ulcers, and urinary tract infections.

    Urinary tract infection, usually caused by bacteria that infect the body's immunity when we are weak. If you're one of those who are suffering from this disease, there is no harm in trying natural herbs around us like leaves Myrtle. By utilizing The Myrtle leaves and mixes it yourself, you is not need to drain a lot of money for go to the doctor or buy instant herbal remedies are not necessarily natural. The Myrtle plant leaves quite easily processed. You only need painstaking and routinely consume. Here's how to process The Myrtle plants to treat urinary tract infections.

1. Take a fresh The Myrtle leaves as many as 35 grams, then wash.
2. Boil The Myrtle leaf in 3 cups of water until the water is reduced to half (1 1/2 cup).
3. Turn off the fire and let stand The Myrtle leaf boiled water to cool.
4. Strain the cooking water leaves Myrtle.
5. Drink boiled water three times a day, with a rate of half a glass every time a drink.
6. Do it regularly until urinary tract infection gradually recovered.

    The duration of efficacy of herbal work will differ from one person to another because of different body conditions. Therefore, the treatment of any disease with herbal plants does require patience and consistency. However, the treatment of urinary tract infections with The Myrtle plants will not cause any side effects.

Hopefully this article useful for you.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Traditional Natural Remedy for Cough With Phlegm and A Dry Cough


    When you feel a cough, either dry cough or cough with phlegm, you can do some of the following tips are useful for treating coughs that you suffered.

    However, in order to cough with phlegm and a dry cough does not appear again after treated, you should have to do the following in order to cause the appearance of cough with phlegm and a dry cough can be avoided.

1. Immediately stay away from dusty and dirty. You also must move from a cool place because immunity is declining so that the disease can more easily come.

2. Keep the body condition is always warm. You can use a jacket, a scarf or a blanket to ward off the cold on the body.

3. Don't shower using water that is too cold, try to shower with warm water so that body condition is always awake.

4. For those of you who smoke cigarettes, stop smoking for good. Because cigarettes have proven harmful to health in the long term. If initially you cough, it could be dangerous diseases will attack your body later.

5. Better to multiply the break. When pain include coughing attack, not too much work so that the condition of the body decreases. Rest and don't do activities that could make the resistance decreases.

6. Fill the body fluid intake by drinking lots of water. Drink water at least 7 to 8 glasses every day.

    After you undergo some of the tips above. Now the next step is to treat the cough itself. In the treatment of cough known traditional treatments that are proven effective. In fact, you isn't need to buy these natural cough medicine because it can be found around the house with ease. Besides the use of a natural remedy for treating coughs also safer for children. Whatever natural herb that is useful for treating dry cough and cough with phlegm? Listen below.

1. The betel leaf and ginger

    We have known the betel leaf as a natural ingredient that has millions of benefits. The benefits that we can get are to treat a cough that attack. To cure the problem of cough with phlegm, use betel leaf herbs are combined with ginger. Boil betel leaves with water, then insert the piece of ginger into boiled water betel leaves. After that, take this medicine have experienced at least 1 times a day.

2. Lime, honey and soy sauce

    Besides betel leaves and ginger, natural cough medicine can also be made using lime, soy sauce and honey. This natural herb has been known benefits to treat a cough for a long time. How to use, provide a lime fruit. Then cut the lime into 2 parts and squeeze the water. Combine the soy sauce and honey drink 2 to 3 times a day.

3. Herb ginger and greater galingale

Greater Galingale
Greater Galingale

    Ginger can also be combined with greater galingale for the treatment of cough with phlegm and a dry cough. Ginger contains anti-bacterial agent that is effective enough to overcome cough attack. Make herb ginger juice and greater galingale and drink 3 times a day. Cough you suffered will be healed with this natural remedy.

That's some natural and traditional medicine to treat and eliminate cough with phlegm and a dry cough. Hopefully recipes of traditional medicine that we present can cure your cough

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Natural Remedies For Asthma In Traditional

    The most powerful traditional asthma medications can be obtained easily turned out to be an alternative to modern medicine, or used alongside modern medicine. Although the current type of modern medicine or chemical medicines are often under-united to cure the disease, but without we realize it in our environment there are many types of natural medicine or herbal medicines that can help you heal, alleviate or prevent you from various diseases, one of which includes asthma or shortness of breath.

    One of the reasons why you are advised to use the more traditional types of asthma medication, is because natural ingredients will not give any side effects. Not to mention the natural remedies are usually also already quite well known properties because it has been used for generations. But we also don't recommend making traditional medicine as a primary treatment method for severe pain conditions. So you better understand about asthma and a variety of solutions, consider the following review.

Asthma medications Most Powerful for Traditional Healing and Relieves

    Shortness of breath traditional medicine can be used as the first choice for mild asthma, as an alternative to modern medicine, or used in conjunction with modern medicine to accelerate treatment. If you want to use traditional medicine in conjunction with modern medicine, should be tried in small amounts used to determine whether there are side effects. Here are some examples of the most powerful traditional asthma medications that you can try.

1. Honey

    Honey is very good for the mucus that inhibits the respiratory tract, which can then be removed. You can eat honey with warm water. Do not with cold water because it will aggravate respiratory conditions, and not with hot water, as it will damage the nutrients contained in honey. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of honey in warm water can then be drunk.
    So the more potent treat asthma, you can add 1/4 tsp turmeric powder, or add 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon. If no powdered saffron, turmeric can be washed, then cut into pieces and put into a mixture of honey, or turmeric finely ground and then mixed. Drinks can also be added to honey 1 tsp garlic collision.

2. Ginger

    Famous ginger can warm the body, it is also one of the most powerful traditional asthma medications. Ginger may help overcome inflammation, asthma itself caused no inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. Ginger can be added to the mixture of honey, honey + ginger. Honey is a combination that is suitable for ginger. Besides it tastes delicious, this combination will further accelerate overcome your asthma. Currently, ginger halt the increase in mucus in the channel by addressing inflammation, honey will dilute existing mucus so it can be removed.
    The use of ginger can be used until finely ground, or to cut it, then mixed into honey mixture. If only cut, give more ginger than if crushed.

3. Spinach

    A study involving 68 535 participants were women showed that high intake of spinach linked immediately with the shrinking of the risk of asthma. These results might be supported by the fact that spinach high in vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and magnesium.

Various Kinds of Natural Remedy For Diarrhea

    Diarrhea is a disease that attacks the gastrointestinal tract caused by bacteria or viruses. Diarrhoea will make someone always defecate constantly at least 3 times a day. In addition feces as well as a liquid that caused the water absorption in the intestinal disorder. If severe diarrhea is usually followed by nausea and vomiting and body limp.

    Persistent diarrhea will cause dehydration of the body and will make the unconscious body and can cause death. Therefore you should immediately treat it. This is a natural diarrhea medicine you can take as a first treatment diarrhea medicine.

1. Guava

    Guava and guava leaf is very effective as a natural diarrhea medicine. Already many people are using this method and proved to cure diarrhea. The way you can directly consume directly guava fruit. In addition you can also take guava leaves young then crushed and added with a pinch of salt. Diarrhea natural cures will heal your disease naturally diarrhea and relieve abdominal pain. You can also directly chew guava leaves and young shoots section.

2. Turmeric

    Turmeric can also be used as a natural diarrhea medicine. Famous turmeric can cure various diseases. It is very easy to make this natural remedy. Take turmeric with size ½ finger, whiting a teaspoon, and a glass of water. Clean the turmeric and rinse thoroughly. Then turmeric boiled in 1 cup water until the remaining 1/3 cups water in a saucepan. Add whiting stir until blended. Once cool, strain the water. Then consume 3 times a day. Drink several times until you heal diarrhea.

3. Roots Lime
    Roots Lime may be considered some pointless. But it turns out lime roots can be useful as a natural diarrhea medicine. Take 8 root lime, wipe and rinse thoroughly. Boil the roots of lime in 12 cups of water until the remaining 8 cups of water decoction of the roots of lime. After a root decoction lime is cool, strain the roots of lime. Then drink twice a day, morning and afternoon. Drinking regularly until you are cured of diarrhea disease.

4. Coconut Water

    Coconut water can also be used as a natural diarrhea medicine. Coconut water contains electrolytes that can help replace body fluids and can also kill the bacteria that cause diarrhea. The way you drink enough pure unsweetened coconut water, ice or syrup. Drinking regularly until you recover from diarrhea.

That is the traditional 4 diarrhea medicine that you can use to heal diarrhea. The medicine can be found easily around your residence. how to make it is very easy. If your diarrhea for several days does not heal, you should immediately inspect it to see a doctor. Besides that, eat foods that contain lots of fiber and too much consumption of water every day.