Saturday, August 22, 2015

Various Kinds of Natural Medicine For Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease caused by insulin produced by pancreatic can not produce well, so that blood sugar can not be absorbed by the body. Diabetes becomes a deadly disease into 2 in the world if it is not taken seriously, it is because a lot of factors, such as unhealthy lifestyles, accustomed to eating fast food, and many other things that cause the disease diabetes.

 For that I will try to share information about natural remedies for those who suffered from diabetes. Here are the types of natural remedy for diabetes.

1. Leaves Greeting
    You must know the bay leaf, usually to add scent and flavor to dishes that are often housewives use. Salain to cook, it leaves save a lot of benefits, especially for treating diabetes. The way to treat diabetes with bay leaves is not difficult. The first thing you should do is provide leaves 7 to 15 pieces and wash thoroughly, then add 3 cups of water, boiled until boiling. Let stand until the remaining 1 cup of water. Cool briefly and squeezed da strain. After that you can immediately take it to your medicine. Do this 2 times a day until your blood sugar levels decreased effectively.

2. Basil
    Basil is that we often eat for fresh vegetables are often served with catfish, basil does have content that can process the secretion of insulin in the body, so that your blood sugar levels normal pressure. For those of you who have a high sugar content should sering2 eat catfish ,, ups wrong, I mean is often eat fresh vegetables basil. hehee

3. Ginseng
    Ginseng has believed from the beginning that ginseng may lower blood sugar levels, can increase insulin receptors in the body, and can maintain the stamina to be fresh and keep fit. Ginseng become one of the drugs used by people china and remains a popular herb today. Ginseng may also be used to strengthen hair roots are experiencing hair loss.

4. Genugreek or Fenugreek
   Surely you are familiar with the plant name? yes, because the plant is not native plants from our country. Genugreek is a plant that originated from India which herbs are enabled to add the taste of food. It seems rich leaves ya, hehe.
Genugreek in addition to adding flavor were also able to control blood glucose levels and has been proven effective for treating diabetes. If you want to lower levels of diabetes and, you can immediately consume it, and certainly fly to India first ,, ,, wkwkwkwk

5. Aloe Vera
   Besides already known to nourish and black hair, aloe vera can also berkasiat to treat diabetes. Because aloe vera contains lymph nodes that can serve to lower blood sugar levels in the body. Aloe vera is also widely used by experts in the field farmatologi as an ingredient for making herbal medicines.

6. Garlic
Scientific researchers have proved that garlic contains a very powerful tool for lowering blood sugar levels that are too high. Abortion can also fix the cells in the pancreas that stimulates pancreatic to produce insulin in the body.

That wide-macah natural cure for the disease of high blood sugar or diabetes. if so, see you again in other articles.

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